Seeking the Truth in Love: The First 125 Years of Foothills Unitarian Church
by a History Project Team led by Bonnie Inscho
A book narrating the 125-year history of Foothills Unitarian in Fort Collins, Colorado. A huge thank you to the History Project Team for their three years of extensive research, interviews, and investigation to create and articulate this full history of our congregation. You can purchase a copy of the paperback by writing to Foothills Unitarian Church, 1815 Yorktown Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80526. ISBN 979-8-9859137-8-1
A Religious Center with a Civic Circumference: Unitarians in San Francisco since 1850
by John A. Buehrens
Available on Amazon in paperback and as an e-Book
“Few urban histories are as colorful as San Francisco’s, and the Golden Gate City’s Unitarian Universalist congregation has an equally colorful story. San Francisco’s Unitarians have included preachers and plutocrats, poets and politicians, all committed to keeping liberal religion alive in an ever-changing city. With this detailed and fast-paced narrative, John Buehrens shows what it has meant for a church to have a “civic circumference,” and what it can still mean today.”
Professor Dan McKanan, Unitarian Universalist Studies. Harvard Divinity School Author of Prophetic Encounters: Religion and the American Radical Tradition; Lead Editor, A Documentary History of Unitarian Universalism